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Hope Springs


Director: Davis Frankel

Cast: Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell

Running Time: 100 min

Hope Springs is set inside a marital counsellor’s office, exploring the unique relationship of a couple in their 60s.


Kay,(played by Meryl Streep), is a lovelorn and despairing wife, who decides that her marriage to Arnold (portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones) is going downhill and signs them up for couple’s therapy with the Freudian love guru, Dr Feld. The repressed anguish of the couple is audacious in its quirkiness and yet poignant as the married couple bare their raw emotions to each other.


The film cleverly balances between the dearth of a relationship and rekindling of love as the couple undergoes rehabilitation. The constant entertaining and acerbic humour also helps alleviate the film’s rather austere topic of reviving a marriage. Watching Hope Springs is definitely a therapeutic experience that will let one rediscover the magic in marriage, without sounding preachy.         


Above review is contributed by Dilip Kumar, National Library Board (NLB).

The DVD covers are the copyright of the respective movie production companies.

English 791.4372 HOP -[ART]

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2012

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