Quiet is a Superpower

Quiet is a Superpower
Jill Chang
Call no.: 650.1 CHA -[BIZ]
All rights reserved. Oakland, California: Berret-Koehler, 2020
What do you think of when you come across the word ‘introvert’? Many might think of introverts as someone who is shy, quiet or anti-social. Introverts are often misunderstood because of the negative stereotype of society as they believe that extroverts are more capable and successful. However, being an introvert can be an asset too.
In this part memoir and part career guide, Jill narrates her own experiences as a self-described "extreme introvert" on how she overcomes the struggles by using her quiet strengths and skills to her advantage in a multi-cultural workplace filled with extroverts. She also provides practical advice and strategies on how you can use your strength as an introvert to survive and succeed in the workplace without changing who you are.
Text by Jesslyn Goh
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