Enhancing the Learning Experience for Senior Learners
Senior learners have distinct characteristics as compared to other segments of population and as such, their learning needs may also differ. To create engaging and effective learning experiences for senior learners, it is important for trainers and practitioners to be sensitive to seniors' needs and tailor their teaching methods appropriately. Hence the importance of Geragogy which refers to the knowhow to teach seniors effectively.
What are the available resources on Geragogy?
✔ Singapore Standards – Geragogy Guidelines Training Senior Learners (SS 693)
Seniors must find the learning experience a positive and enjoyable one. For this reason, C3A and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) developed the Geragogy Guidelines. These Guidelines provide useful information on the physical, physiological and psychological attributes of seniors; and therefore, senior learners' preferences and challenges.
How do I benefit from these support guidelines?
✔ These guidelines would benefit you as professionals, trainers and organisations who are involved in lifelong learning, as well as individuals who engage with seniors in various capacities. Download a copy here.

Singapore Standard 693 Geragogy Guidelines on Training Senior Learners (SS 693)
Launched in August 2023, this is a first in Singapore to enhance overall training and delivery standards for senior learning in Singapore. SS 693:2023 is developed under the guidance of the Singapore Standards Council which is overseen by Enterprise Singapore, the Working Group on Geragogy Guidelines and many partners.
This new national standard SS 693:2023 provides a formalised framework on training senior learners. This national resource encompasses best practices and strategies that address senior learners’ unique challenges and characteristics in physical and online learning environments. It also includes an informative infographic summary. Any persons, in particular trainers, involved in coaching and training seniors will find this useful.
Where can I obtain a copy?
The SS 693 costs $36.10, excluding GST, and can be purchased from the Singapore Standards eShop. For more details, please click here.
SS 693 in essence embodies the following key principles and considerations:
The launch of SS 693 is aligned with Singapore’s ongoing efforts to foster a culture of lifelong learning among seniors who could benefit from a more inclusive and conducive learning environment. Through this standard, we look forward to collaborate with our partners to better equip organisations looking to engage and train senior workers.
Ms Choy Sauw Kook, Director-General (Quality & Excellence), Enterprise Singapore
Using the SS 693 as a guide enhances our interactions with seniors and we are working on progressively aligning over 3,000 of our staff and volunteers to the new guidelines.
Sng Hock Lin, Chief, Silver Generation Office, Agency for Integrated Care
Incorporating the new Singapore Standard 693 Geragogy Guidelines into our staff and volunteer training curriculum will equip our team with the necessary skills to cater to the many senior citizens who visit Gardens by the Bay.
Mr Dinesh Naidu, Senior Director of Programming, Gardens by the Bay
With the adoption of the Standard, we will be able to upskill seniors and the many senior trainers among us. It will support the training of seniors as volunteers as part of the national senior volunteerism movement./p>
Mr Koh Juay Meng, PBM, Chairman of RSVP Singapore, The Organisation of Senior Volunteers
With this roll out of SS 693, it allows every organisation to participate, not just social service agencies, but also the private organisations as well, to utilise it so that it enhances the learning journey of our seniors, allowing them to stay active.
Mr Arthur Ling Koon Hwai, Chief Executive, Fei Yue Community Services
With SS 693, the enhanced framework will allow us to continue to adapt to the changing needs of seniors and further improve our processes.
Ms Carol Chan, Executive Director, En Community Services Society (ECSS)
SS 693 will put Singapore on the map as one of the first few ageing societies to have a formalised standard in the training of senior leaners. It will complement the 2023 Action Plan for Successful Ageing by serving as a national resource that trainers, individuals and organisations can tap into.
Ms Carol Ma, Associate Professor and Head, Gerontology Programmes & Senior Fellow (Service-Learning & Community Engagement), Centre for Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Understanding and Application of the Guidelines
To facilitate a deeper understanding on the guidelines and its application, C3A welcomes interested parties to join our specially curated 2-hour workshop “Introduction to Geragogy Guidelines”. Hosted with the support of our collaborative partners, our workshop provides an overview of the key concepts and practices highlighted from the abovementioned resources.
With these guidelines, they would serve to help enhance and allow learning processes to be more inclusive for learners of all ages, which will in turn build and foster a more conducive learning environment.
Registration for the workshop can be made with our collaborative partner listed as below:
1) Singapore Training & Development Association (STADA) – Please Click Here
For further enquiries, please contact nsa@c3a.org.sg.