Frog under a coconut shell

Frog under a coconut shell
Josephine Chia
Call no.: 306.8743 CHI
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Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2010
Josephine Chia’s Frog Under a Coconut Shell is the autobiographical story of the author and her mother. The title is a literal translation of a Malay saying, “katak di bawah tempurung” which describes a person who has limited experience and knowledge. Set in Singapore in the 1950s and 60s, Josephine had grown up with a father who did not believe in education for girls. When she wanted to go to school, her mother surprisingly stepped forward and supported her bid for education.
Josephine had written this book as a tribute to her mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. This is a very readable book about growing up in an old Singapore and also the story of a remarkably wise woman whose life had been a selfless service to her children.
Text: Shamimah Mujtaba (National Library Board’s Friend of the Library)
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