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Not an old people problem: Gen Zs are anxious about health and ageing

Not an old people problem: Gen Zs are anxious about health and ageing

Published on

19 Mar 2025

Published by

The Straits Times

A recent study suggests that Gen Zs in Singapore are the least confident among all age groups about maintaining their physical health in old age


At 23, Mr Emmanuel Pang is in the prime of his health.


The full-time national serviceman stays away from fast food, hits the gym almost daily, and goes on weekly jogs.


But beneath his disciplined routine lies a lingering anxiety about staying healthy as he grows older.


“The idea of growing old and having to be reliant and dependent on someone else makes me a bit worried,” says Mr Pang, who plays in the military band.


He’s not alone in his concerns. 


A study published by UK-based research firm Economist Impact in November 2024 found that 68 per cent of Gen Zs in Singapore lack confidence in maintaining their physical health when they reach 75 years old – making them the least confident age group.


Economist Impact is part of The Economist Group. 


Sponsored by Prudential, the study surveyed 1,014 Singapore residents in July and August 2024. Respondents ranged from 20 to 70 years old, and represented diverse income brackets and employment statuses.


While Gen Z generally refers to those born between 1997 and 2012, this survey focused on 252 respondents born between 1997 and 2006.


Why is the younger generation so anxious about their future? 


In the digital age, says Dr Sidharth Kachroo, chief health officer of Prudential Singapore, “Gen Zs are constantly exposed to information about health risks and ageing through various channels, including social media.” 


“(This) can create a sense of information overload and anxiety,” he explains.


Live better, not just longer


In Singapore, people are living longer, but spending the last decade of their lives in ill health.


The country’s average life expectancy is 84 years old, according to data from the World Health Organisation. However, the average healthspan is 74 years. 


Healthspan is defined as the period of one’s life spent in relatively good health, without chronic illnesses and age-related disabilities. 


A key factor contributing to this gap: The rise of chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension and high blood cholesterol, says Dr Kachroo. 


In Singapore, the prevalence of all three illnesses has increased over the years, according to the annual national population health survey published by the Ministry of Health.


Unlike acute illnesses, which can often be treated quickly, chronic diseases require ongoing management – such as medication, lifestyle changes and regular medical check-ups. 


“This long-term management can be challenging (to maintain),” Dr Kachroo says. “Physical decline can also affect mental well-being and social isolation.”


For Mr Pang, seeing this decline firsthand has been heartbreaking. His 80-year-old grandmother survived cancer about 10 years ago; since then, she struggles with everyday movement.


“She walks by the inches and has breathing difficulties,” he shares. “It hurts to see her (like this).”


Beyond the physical and emotional toll, chronic illnesses also carry a financial burden.


The cost of healthcare and long-term care can place a substantial burden on individuals and their caregivers, Dr Kachroo says. 


“Maintaining good health is the best way to ensure healthcare expenses are manageable in the long term,” he adds.


Age well, starting now


What can one do to age well and lengthen their healthspan? It requires discipline and cannot be achieved overnight, says Dr Kachroo. 


“A healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and getting sufficient sleep, can significantly improve healthspan,” he explains. 


“Preventive healthcare measures – like regular health screenings and vaccinations – are essential for early detection and management of potential health problems.”


In July 2023, the Singapore Government launched Healthier SG, a national programme that emphasises preventive care to keep people healthier.


This initiative marks a shift from treating illness reactively to taking proactive steps to maintain health.


Healthier SG aims to get Singapore residents to build a long-term relationship with one family general practitioner (GP). By working closely with a GP who understands their medical history, they can better practise preventive care to maintain their health.


Beyond his regular fitness schedule, Mr Pang makes a conscious effort to take care of his emotional well-being.


He incorporates meditation into his daily routines. It’s a habit he began a year ago, after being clinically diagnosed with mild depression following a break-up.


Mr Pang also goes for short, 10-minute sprints whenever he feels down. The adrenaline rush helps lift his mood, he says.  


Though he is mindful of his long-term health, Mr Pang emphasises the importance of being present in the moment – something he learnt from therapy sessions the past year. 


“I try to focus on the now,” he says, “because (the future is uncertain and) you never really know what’s going to happen.”



Source: The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission.
Photo: The Straits Times
Written By: Timothy Kang, Brand Newsroom



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