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Practical Self-Care Techniques for Caregivers

Practical Self-Care Techniques for Caregivers

Learn actionable strategies to manage caregiver stress, maintain balance, and prioritise your well-being while caring for your loved ones.


NOTE: Registration is only approved if your myLibrary username is verified. 


Important Notice


This programme/event is open to members of the National Library Board, Singapore and those who are aged 50 years and above. Please ensure you have your myLibrary username on hand before proceeding with the registration. If you do not have a myLibrary username, you can create one here:


About the Programme/Event


Self-care for caregivers is important but easier said than done. In this talk, you will learn practical techniques that you can apply for a happier and more fulfilling caregiving journey.


Some learning points you can expect are:


1. Stress management techniques 

2. Mindfulness practices

3. Setting healthy boundaries 

4. Self-care routines

Sign up now!


About the Speaker


Ms Gina Peh is a registered social worker who oversees the Community Outreach Team (CREST) in the northern region at Montfort Care. She holds a Bachelor of Social Work from the Singapore University of Social Sciences. Gina has a strong interest in working with caregivers and older persons, and her professional experience reflects her commitment to enhancing their well-being and supporting the community.


About Time of Your Life


Organised by the National Library Board, the Time of Your Life (TOYL) features informative talks, creative workshops, learning communities and resources for those aged 50 and above. Covering a wide range of topics such as Digital, Careers, Sustainability, Arts & Wellness, start your learning journey with us today. Visit for the full programme listing and check out our dedicated publication at


Unsure how to register for our programme?


Refer to these guides for more information.



NOTE: Registration is only approved if your myLibrary username is verified. 


Online Programme/Event Administrative Information


  • This programme is conducted entirely online. You may access Zoom via the app or using a web browser. 
  • Please note that photos and/or videos of this programme and its participants may be taken. By registering for this programme, you agree that NLB may take photographs and/or videos of you (or your child as applicable) and use the images and/or videos including to archive, exhibit and publish them for publicity or any other NLB purposes. 
  • Please ensure that you enter a valid email address as you will receive an email with the link to the online. programme/event  
  • The link of the programme should not be shared with others. 
  • Do ensure you have a strong internet connection. Using your mobile data is not recommended. 
  • The National Library Board, Singapore (NLB) reserves the right in its absolute discretion to
  • disqualify or refuse admission to any registrant without any reason and notice. 





15 Oct 2024

Organised By:

National Library Board



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