Schemes for Seniors - Caring For Seniors

The Government has put in place 7 schemes to help senior citizens during their retirement years.
As an increasing number of senior citizens enter their silver years, the Government has put in place various social support schemes to help them during their retirement years.
Confused by all the various schemes available? Here are seven simple ways that the Government is helping senior citizens!
1) Medisave
Medisave is a national medical savings scheme which helps individuals put aside part of their income into their Medisave Accounts. This can be used to pay for their future personal or immediate family member’s hospitalisation and certain outpatient expenses incurred at any hospital in Singapore.
Under the scheme, every employee contributes 8% - 10.5% (depending on age group) of his monthly salary to a personal Medisave account. The savings can be withdrawn to pay the hospital bills of the account holder and his immediate family members.
Seniors born on or before 31 December 1959 who do not enjoy Pioneer Generation benefits can receive annual Medisave top-ups of $100 – $200 till 2018!
Here’s a simple graphic that summarises all the benefits seniors will receive when they need to see the doctor:
For more information visit:
Click on the following links for more information on Government subsidies, CHAS, MediShield Life premium subsidies, Medisave top-ups & Intermediate and Long-Term Care Subsidies
2) Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE)
Caring for seniors is now as EASE-y as 1, 2, 3! The EASE programme is part of the Home Improvement Programme (HIP), offered from July 2012. Through EASE, seniors can enjoy subsidies of up to 95% to install improvement items such as grab bars and slip-resistant bathroom floors to make it more elder-friendly.
For more information visit:
Click on the following links for more information on EASE & Foreign Worker Domestic Levy Concession
3) ComCare Long Term Assistance (also known as Public Assistance)
Seniors can receive up to $1,180 in cash assistance (depending on household size) for those who are permanently unable to work due to old age, illnesses or unfavourable family circumstances. Those who qualify may also receive additional aid to help those with recurring hygiene essentials or consumables such as adult diapers and nutritional milk supplements. Additional medical assistance will also be available.
For more information visit:
4) Silver Support Scheme
From end-Jul 2016, the government will give payouts of $300 – $750 (depending on type of HDB flat they live in) every three months for the bottom 20% of seniors who had low incomes through life and little or no family support. This is on top of the monthly cash assistance provided by the ComCare Long Term Assistance Scheme to cover their daily living expenses.
Taken together, the total Government cash assistance for a single elderly person on the ComCare Long Term Assistance Scheme and the Silver Support Scheme can be up to $1,800 per quarter (or $600 a month).
For more information, visit:
Click on the following links for more information on ComCare Long Term Assistance/Public Assistance, Medifund, additional MediShield Life premium support & the Silver Support Scheme
5) Pioneer Generation Package (PGP)
Especially for our pioneers - Singaporeans born on or before 31 December 1949, and obtained citizenship on or before 31 December 1986 can enjoy the benefits of the Pioneer Generation Package!
Benefits include special subsidies for MediShield Life premiums, annual Medisave top-ups (up to $800 a year for life) and an additional 50% off subsidised services and medication at polyclinics and Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOC) in public hospitals.
Find out more information at:
Find out more about the Pioneer Generation Package
6) Lease Buyback Scheme (LBS)
Seniors who live in a 4-room or smaller flat will be able to use this scheme as an additional monetisation option! Through the scheme, you can sell part of your flat’s lease to HDB to receive a stream of income in your retirement years, while continuing to live in it (what a deal!)
You can choose to retain the length of lease based on the age of the youngest owner. The proceeds from selling part of your flat’s lease will be used to top up your CPF Retirement Account (RA), which earns you up to 5% interest.
More information at:
Click on the following links for more information on Enhanced CPF Savings, more Workfare benefits, Silver Housing Bonus, Lease Buyback Scheme & the 2-Room Flexi Scheme
7) PAssion Silver Concession Card
The PAssion Silver Concession Card programme is one of 70 initiatives under the Action Plan for Successful Ageing.
The Card serves as a common identifier for the community and businesses to honour our seniors.
Seniors will be able to enjoy concessionary fares on public transport, in addition to a suite of merchant benefits and privileges
All Singapore Citizens aged 60 and above are eligible for the PAssion Silver Concession Card.
More details at:
Click on the following links for more information on GST Vouchers & the PAssion Silver Concession Card
There you go! Seven ways that the government is helping and looking out for our senior citizens. Don’t forget to remind your parents and grandparents on the various schemes that are available for them!
For more information on the various schemes that are available to seniors, check out this fact sheet!
Click here for a list of Schemes for Seniors.