Be Money Smart with Scam Awareness

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Join us in our packaged course to be empowered with the skills and knowledge to confidently navigate digital government services, while making informed financial decisions. Pick-up practical money management tips, understand CPF digital services, explore Government retirement and healthcare schemes, and learn about SingPass application to equip yourself for the digital age and gain financial well-being.
a) Basics of Smart Money Management (4hrs)
To be financially prepared for the future, it is ever more important for us to understand how to make smart decisions. Come join us in this financial literacy course to learn practical money management tips! This course also introduces the use of CPF digital and cashless payment services, raises awareness of scams and shares tips to avoid becoming a scam victim. Lastly, the course also highlights selected Government schemes that support retirement and healthcare needs.
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b) Don't get scammed (8hrs)
With the increase in various scams, it is essential that people, especially seniors are aware and how to detect such scams to protect themselves. In this workshop, we will be covering various popular scams and then looking into ways to protect oneself from such scams. By the end of the course, you will have a good overview of various scams, be able to detect them effectively and be able to protect your personal data and money from scammers.
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Package Details

Package Fee S$52.00 per pax (usual: $58.00 per pax)

Singapore Training & Development Association

12 hours

8809 7075

Trainer's profile is currently not available.
Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 17 April 2024. For more information, please contact the course provider.
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