Korean Level 5 (Conducted Online)

This course is a continuation of Korean Level 4, aiming to gain intermediate /advanced proficiency in the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) based on Korean Linguistic knowledge and the learners' understanding of Korean Culture.
Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$348.00

National University of Singapore (NUS)


30 hours over 10 sessions

6516 6612 / 6601 7836 / 6601 1067

Nuri Choi
Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 28 March 2023. For more information, please contact the course provider.
Trainer's Profile
Nuri Choi
Nuri Choi is a lecturer of Korean language programme in the Centre for Language Studies since 2017. She received her B.A. in Law and M.A. in Korean Language Education as a Second Language from Kyung Hee University. Prior to joining the Centre for Language Studies, she taught Korean Language at the Institute of International Education at Kyung Hee University.
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