Japanese Level 3 (Conducted Online)

This 10-week course is designed to provide an insight to the targeted language and understanding of its culture. This Level 3 course is designed to teach participants how to read and write more Kanji words, and basic self-study skills in Japanese to enable them to continue studying Japanese both in and outside of the classroom. Participants will be able to talk about past events, choose better items by comparing things, and offer to help other people.
Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$348.00

National University of Singapore (NUS)


30 hours over 10 sessions

6516 6612 / 6601 7836 / 6601 1067

Yoko Morikawa
Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 28 March 2023. For more information, please contact the course provider.
Trainer's Profile
Yoko Morikawa
Ms Yoko Morikawa has 23 years' teaching experience in Singapore and Japan. She obtained her degree from Osaka University in 1992, and Masters from Osaka University in 1994, which is one of the most well-known universities in the field of Japanese language education. She became the Japanese language coordinator to establish the Japanese language course in Singapore Management University. She has also taught and coordinated various Japanese language courses at Nanyang Technological University since 1996. She has been also one of the Executive Committee of the Japanese Language Teachers' Association since 2006 and has devoted herself to further develop the Japanese language education in Singapore.
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