Creative Writing: Mystery & Suspense (Conducted Online)

Be introduced to Mystery and Suspense writing in this course that will cover the history of the detective novel from the Golden Age of Detective Fiction to the current trends in Grip Lit. This course will cover the general narrative fundamentals of writing fiction as well as considering those requisite for mystery and suspense writing. You will get to learn techniques regarding plot as well as considering character development and style. By the end of the course, you should be confident in your main idea for a novel as well as its protagonists.
Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$365.40

LASALLE College of the Arts

24 hours over 8 sessions

6496 5066

Trainer's profile is currently not available.
Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 03 January 2023. For more information, please contact the course provider.
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