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Exploring Lingo with Yvonne Quan & K'oe (Generations Connect! Ep 1)

‘Generations Connect!’ is a podcast series brought to you by the Council for Third Age (C3A) and VintageRadio.SG! Through this podcast series, we hope to foster intergenerational bonding, which is one of the key focus areas of C3A, alongside lifelong learning and senior volunteerism. Explore interesting insights on how youths and seniors think as we invite them to share their perspectives on various topics such as lingo, cybersecurity and scams, music and food. 


Ever heard of certain words or phrases but didn’t know what they meant? Join us in this episode as we uncover common lingo terms used by youths and seniors! By having a better understanding of how different generations converse, it can help to better bridge the intergenerational gap in terms of communication.

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