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Egg Omelette Wrap

Egg Omelette Wrap

Published on

30 Jan 2022

Published by

Singapore Heart Foundation

Recipe is contributed by Ms Ang Yi Pin, Nutrition Intern at Singapore Heart Foundation


Serves: 1


Time: 40 minutes




  • Egg, 1
  • Chicken breast, deskinned, 60g
  • Whole-grain wrap, 1
  • Iceberg lettuce, 75g (4 – 5 pcs)
  • Japanese cucumber, sliced, 50g
  • Tomato, sliced, 50g
  • Spinach, 75g
  • Apple, 1


Sweet Chilli Sauce (Optional)


  • Large chilli, deseeded, 2
  • Garlic, minced, 2.5g (½ tsp)
  • Rice vinegar, 15g (1 tbsp)
  • Stevia, 2.5g (½ tsp) (Optional)




1. Whisk the egg.


2. Pour some olive oil on a non-stick pan and heat over medium heat.


3. Pour in the egg and spread it across the pan.


4. When the egg is almost set on the surface, flip it over and cook for another minute.


5. Boil chicken breast in water for 10 minutes. Shred the meat and portion out 60g.


6. To create the sweet chilli sauce (optional), blend all the ingredients together.


7. Place ingredients on the whole-grain wrap in the following order before wrapping it up:


  • Omelette
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Japanese cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Spinach
  • Chicken breast
  • Sweet Chilli Sauce (optional)


8. Serve with an apple by the side to form your Heart Smart Eating Portion.


Source: Singapore Heart Foundation. Reproduced with permission.

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