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Ee fu noodles


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24 Feb 2015

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Make no excuses to avoid cooking with your spouse, says administrative manager Angela Chua-Jew.


Recalling her days as a newlywed eating with her husband at hawker centres, she says: "The younger generation doesn't really know how to cook. They make excuses, say that it is troublesome or that cooking takes a long time."


So while it is common to have either husband or wife preparing meals in the kitchen, she encourages couples to cook together instead in her debut self-published cookbook titled Cook Your Way To A Healthier Marriage.


It features simple recipes for cooking, but the steps are written with separate instructions for husband and wife.


Of course, the roles for any of the recipes can be reversed, says Ms Chua-Jew, who has been cooking with her husband in their six years of marriage. They have no children.


Ms Chua-Jew, 46, is based in Durham, north-east England, for four years as her pastor-husband Reverend Jew Yun Shern, 44, is doing a theology PhD at Durham University.


SundayLife! caught up with the bubbly cook last year when she came back to Singapore to visit.


She is sharing her recipe for ee fu noodles from her cookbook. One half of the couple helps with the preparation of ingredients, while the other cooks.



  • 2 Tbs vegetable oil
  •  5 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
  •  1 425g can of whole straw mushrooms, sliced in half lengthwise, reserve 200ml of liquid
  •  2 Tbs oyster sauce
  •  1 egg, beaten
  •  200g chicken fillet, skin removed and sliced into 0.5cm strips
  •  2 cakes of dried ee fu noodles, about 100g each (Sun brand Hong Kong Yee Fu Mee from FairPrice supermarkets)
  •  1 Tbs Shao Xing wine
  •  250ml water
  •  5 shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
  •  50g yellow or green chives, sliced into 4cm lengths
  •  50g bean sprouts, tails removed
  • Garnish
  •  Red chilli, sliced
  •  Pickled green chilli, sliced



1. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or wok.

2. Fry the garlic over medium heat for about two minutes or until fragrant.

3. Pour the mushroom liquid into the pan, followed by the oyster sauce. Mix well and bring the sauce to a boil on high heat.

4. Once the sauce boils, pour the egg in and stir quickly. Add the chicken and ee fu noodles.

5. Add the Shao Xing wine and water. Mix the ingredients carefully. Leave the noodles to cook for a few minutes, so they absorb the sauce. If you prefer the noodles to have a drier consistency, cook for a longer time.

6. When the noodles have absorbed most of the sauce, add the mushrooms and chives to the pan. Stir for one minute.

7. Add the bean sprouts and stir for another two minutes.

8. Serve the noodles hot, garnished with red and green chilli.

Serves two


Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reproduced with permission.

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