Make learning part of active ageing

Lifelong learning can lead to more happiness and fulfilment after retirement
The joys offered by retirement are many: More time to play with your grandchildren, the freedom to travel, and the contentment that comes from being no longer bound to an employer’s time clock.
Now, you can add this to the list: Lifelong learning and the satisfaction it brings.
Lifelong Learning
An increasing number of seniors and third-agers in Singapore are signing up for lessons to keep their minds stimulated, learn something new or catch up with a subject they were always curious about but never had time for.
Exploring your interests can make you more confident and energetic. In addition, lifelong learning offers added knowledge, opportunities to interact with like-minded people, and the chance to make friends.
Learning for Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness is defined as the ability to open your mind to new ideas, insights, thoughts, expressions and values. The desire to learn new concepts, improve your skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to intellectual wellness in the third age.
These new ways of thinking can come in useful when you are making personal decisions and interacting with others. They might even allow you to contribute more actively to the community.
Keeping Your Brain in Tip-Top Shape
Learning offers benefits that go beyond helping you master new skills. It stimulates brain neurons, keeping you alert and sharp. Cognitive functions, like the ability to learn and memorise effectively, are also given a boost. Produced by the TODAY Special Projects Team.
Exercises to Keep Your Brain Active
Learn New Skills
Keep your mind flexibleand nimble by learning a new skill. Pick up a new language or a musical instrument you’ve always wanted to learn. Or sign up for a course on basic IT or social media.
Engage in a Debate
Learning can take place anywhere and anytime. Give yourself a mental workout by engaging your friends in friendly debates. The experience can be invigorating and fun.
Keeping an active social life is good for you, but do not discount the value of alone time. The ability to quiet your mind, focus your attention on the present, and dismiss any distractions helps build mindfulness and concentration.
Play a Game
“Brain exercises” like crossword puzzles, Sudoku and Scrabble challenge your cognitive processes and may improve your mental function.