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LifeWork (Blended Learning)

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This course prepares seniors to plan and manage their work-life transitions, address concerns in their careers, retirement, health and family, and help them adopt a life-course approach to set goals and action plans for productive longevity. This course is also useful to individuals working with seniors, or involved in community work.

Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$126.00


Centre For Seniors



24 hours over 4 sessions


6478 5015


Clement Ong

Lim Sim Hong

Susan Tan

The actual trainer for the course is subject to change.
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Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 10 September 2024. For more information, please contact the course provider.

Trainer's Profile

Clement Ong

Clement Ong is a certified career and executive coach for over 10 years. He connects people with critical aspects of their work, and enhances their self-awareness and clarity about life's purpose and goals. He is an Affiliated Faculty with Singapore Management University, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Social Sciences. He also facilitates career skills programmes for Nanyang Technology University’ post and undergrads. He holds a Master of Social Science in Professional Counselling (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia).

Lim Sim Hong

Lim Sim Hong is a highly experienced and versatile trainer having trained more than 10,000 participants/training places from a wide diversity of industries, organizational levels, education levels, age, occupations and cultures. With more than two thirds of her trainees being mature learners, she has not only gained an insight into the challenges and issues surrounding the mature learners but also a deep understanding of their strengths, limitations, concerns, needs and aspirations. Combined with her corporate management experiences, this insight enables her to share a holistic view of the different perspectives of the current and impending challenges in the workplace today. Sim Hong not only conducts training delivery but has developed course materials for change motivation as well as retirement planning and re-employment training workshops, communication, mentoring and age management workshops. To date, she has conducted more than 600 workshops in a wide spectrum of topics

Susan Tan

Susan Tan has over 16 years of experience in training & curriculum development specialising in health promotion & coaching, volunteer training, employee development in career and retirement planning and an advocate in ageing well.  She is a subject matter expert in ageing issues, work-life transition and health.  She is a state registered nurse, ACTA and DACE certified and holds a master degree in Lifelong Learning (University of London) & BSc in Business and Management Studies (University of Bradford).

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